Genesis Festival, BKK

For this festival we provided full visuals support, starting from first initial meeting regarding stage, light and screen, all the way to the event day. We worked closely together with the organisation, venue location and suppliers to ensure the best end result. Besides the stage design and lighting plan we also provided video animation for their online viral promo, which got shared and viewed on different social platforms. Developed a 3D graphic map to be used by guest during the event.

Custom motion graphic for stage reveal.

Stage shape, space theme & HUD content.

We also developed a Vj pack just to fit the screen design and space theme of the event. these were used during the event as part of our live VJing service. We also off course used the content provided by some of the bigger acts and had our own custom library of content in the mix. Together with live effects, live controlled lighting control and effects we ensured that the festival was as impact full and memorable as possible for its guests, acts and client.

During set up we made sure all was installed correctly and spend the following night to program and rehears the full show including lighting and time coding. To add more flavor and theme to the festival we developed several moments before each big act where we would show a story line or stage reveal animation on all the screens, time coded with lights and lasers. These 3D animations were produced and improved in the weeks before the event together with the client and our team.

3D animation Promo, used on social media.


  • LED video mapping for indoor
  • 3D & 2D Content Creation
  • Live VJing

  • Live lighting control
  • Time coded opening scenes
  • 3D video animation promo
  • 3D graphic designed map